Codebase API Documentation

File Storage

Codebase projects have an area for storing files.


Data Method URL
All files in a project GET /project/files
Create a new discussion POST /project/files
Individual file GET /project/files/identifier
Uploading a new version of a file POST /project/files/identifier
File categories in a project GET /project/files/categories

Object Properties

The XML output below shows the properties which are returned by default when accessing file details.

GET /project/discussions/identifier

        <id type="integer">33</id>
    <created-at type="datetime">2013-06-06T13:34:09Z</created-at>
    <updated-at type="datetime">2013-06-06T13:34:09Z</updated-at>
        <id type="integer">154</id>
        <file-name>Screen Shot 2013-06-04 at 10.15.48.png</file-name>
        <file-size type="integer">31707</file-size>
    <previous-revisions type="array">
                    <id type="integer">33</id>
                <created-at type="datetime">2013-06-06T13:33:58Z</created-at>
                <updated-at type="datetime">2013-06-06T13:33:58Z</updated-at>
                    <id type="integer">153</id>
                    <file-name>Screen Shot 2013-06-04 at 10.14.55.png</file-name>
                    <file-size type="integer">33259</file-size>
  • identifier the identifier for this discussion
  • name the friendly name for this file
  • description the description for this file
  • category the name of the file category
  • previous-revisions previous versions of this file

GET /project/files/categories

  <id type="integer">38</id>

Creating a new file

You can create a new file using the variables listed above, you must require name, category_id and file_upload_token.

file_upload_token should contain an identifier returned from an Attachment Upload